One of my final projects at Codal was designing the IA for a meeting room and equipment reservation system for 1871, a Chicago tech mainstay that serves as a co-working space and incubator farm. I was tasked with creating the overall IA for their client management system, as well as tracing an architectural map and simplifying it down to a vector object that could be used for a visual reservation model.

While starting out as a simple meeting room reservation system, the dialogue between the ourselves and the stakeholders became increasingly open to the idea of presenting a full client management suite that would allow 1871 business owners to review all the tenants in their purview, and for businesses to manage their employees and various billing systems.

The design called for a modular framework that we could put in place piece by piece as we finished each element. We developed an approach that would allow us to add each section of the framework to the MVP and QA test in real time, resulting in minimal downtime and allowing the client to push the finalized versions to subscribers as fast as possible.
Link to Axure prototype

To illustrate the IA and overall flow of the system, I provided 1871 with a clickable sitemap that helped them review each component individually and understand their purpose within the overall structure.
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